Brief history of Lentini

Ancient Leontinoi
The remains of ancient Leontinoi, administratively divided between the towns of Lentini and Carlentini, comprise a suggestive archaeological park including the traces of the prehistoric village of Metapiccola and the ruins of Chalcidian and greek-Syracusan age.
It is possible to see the complex walls belonging to four different historical perods, from the 7th to the 3rd century b.C..
The stretches around S.Mauro, that was the acropolis of the ancient town, are well preserved.
Interesting are the 4th-3rd century b.C. Hellenistic necropolis of which it is possible to see some sepulchres, the wide latomias, the bases of a Greek temple and the remains of rectangular huts of a 9th- 8th century b.C. native village.
Historical Periods
729-427 b.c.
founded in 729 b.C. by the Chalcidians of Naxos, reached the very peak of its splendour during the Greek colonization, it was antagonist of Syracuse in 427 b.C. when the lentinese Gorgia, one of the greatest solphist of the antiquity, went to Athens to ask for helps for his city, fighting for a States federation.
4th century b.c. –roman age
Fallen under the rule of Syracuse, it became refuge and a point of support for Dione against Dionysius the younger. Taken for a short time by the Carthaginians, it was reconquered by Agathocles in 311. It fell later under the Romans thanks to the consul Marcellus.
7th – 13th century
It was bishop's seat under the Byzantines in the 7th century; suppressed the diocese, it became for a short time feud of the Norman princes. The 1140 and 1169 earthquakes caused great damage in the town, that was rebuilt during the Swabian period.
14th century –1551
Some religious communities setled there enriched Lentini with churches and convents, but the 1542 earthquake destroyed the town once again. The viceroy Giovanni Vega wanted in 1551 the nearby Carlentini to be built to transfer those who had suffered damages because of the earthquake. But they, not content rebuilt their houses in the same place.
17th century
After the complete destruction caused by the 1693 earthquake Lentini was entirely rebuilt in the 17th century keeping the present urbanistic configuration
Historical documentation