Il simbolo della Sicilia e della sua tradizione. Un'esplosione di colori. Nelle sponde, nelle ruote, nella cassa, in ogni singolo pezzo che lo compone troviamo i colori del meraviglioso SOLE Siciliano, delle angurie di fuoco, dello zolfo, delle arance e dei limoni, del cielo e del mare, della lava dell'Etna e dei fichidindia. Sulle cui fiancate si dipingevano le gesta dei paladini, la vita dei Santi e imprese eroiche di personaggi storici. Nel suo complesso rappresenta una sintesi delle civiltà mediterranee che posero piede nell'isola, il loro concentrato: i colori Arabi, gli arabeschi Turco-Bizantini, i costumi Greci, le "cianciane", le "frange" Spagnole. La sua origine non è esattamente accertata, all’inizio dell’800 era un mezzo di trasporto, poi si assolse anche a funzioni di rappresentanza e di prestigio del proprietario. I carretti di Aci Sant’Antonio (CT), di Bagheria (PA), di Vittoria (RG) lasciano dedurre influenze di arte popolare che arriva fino agli Arabi. I carri tuttora esistenti, riccamente addobbati, vengono portati in giro per le grandi feste religiose e manifestazioni. Osservandolo da vicino sembra di guardare e di sentire tutta la Sicilia con i panorami aspri, i suoi profumi misteriosi, le sue lontananze.Il suo modellino in scala non manca mai nella casa degli emigranti, di coloro che il destino ha spinto lontano dalla loro terra.



The Sicilian wheelbarrow is a small work of art for the carvings, the wooden sculptures and for the paintings, decorations from the thousand colors of the sun, of the sea and of the beautiful Sicilian nature. They was wisely built by experienced hands of specialized artisans, called "mastri di opira grossa". we See to discover what the parts of the wheelbarrow are, every wagon is built to measure of the horse to which is destined. Before we find the two "resentments" in wood of beech tree, it follows "lu tavulazzu" on which sits the carter and therefore the "casciata", that the two side banks ("masciddara"), you build with an unique table in walnut-tree or beech tree and the back bank, said "purteddu", done in fir. In the back part, to mo of porter, the "casciata" with a second ledge, "tavulazzu" tilted toward the inside of the wheelbarrow. We deepen some particular ones. There are "li barrunedda", wood mullions of "manna", that are carved, and introduces aloft her "head" under which is made to pass the rope. Of these wood mullions carved we count in the two of it "purteddu", and three in the "masciddara" side. Their base has fixed to the three extremity "chimazzeddi", that are three strong bars, situated under her "casciata" and above the two "resentments." Behind the wheelbarrow she is set "barra di lu frenu", that is operated by the carter through a rope. The wheels, masterpieces by itself and pride of the builder, has 12 "ammuzzi", rays, and six "curved", that constitute the various parts of the circumference. On the rays they are carved "li tarioli", small figures of women ("ballerinas"), of heads of horse, flowers and of "tistuzza", human heads. In the inside part of the ray they are carved some grooves, "li pizza". The ship boy of the wheels has called "miolu", a cylinder of walnut-tree among two iron bracelets, inserted in a brass pipe. The "rannula", a big bolt, closes the wheel with an edging that tightens in before, in the verse in which it turns the wheel. The insertion of "lu circuni" of iron asks for ability and mastery and is a rather complex operation. A detail that few know. The wheel of a wheelbarrow doesn't have to be to lead, but it has to have "lu mancino", in practice she must slightly be builds concave toward the outside to guarantee stability and street estate in the curves.




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